
For all flows, the following Actors have been used:

Expressly API server;
The store Expressly is being configured with;
The customer interacting with the store.

Merchant Registration


Main Flow:

  1. STORE calls Register Merchant with appropriate body, and header.
  2. SERVER pings store to make sure you have the plugin installed correctly.
  3. SERVER returns response successfully to STORE

Alternate Flows:

3-1. SERVER cannot ping STORE, returns error message.

2-2. SERVER received invalid credentials, returns error message.

User Campaign Migration


Main Flow:

  1. CUSTOMER navigates to provided link with unique uuid attached (Show Popup).
  2. STORE requests popup for unique uuid (Get Campaign Migration Popup).
  3. SERVER returns popup html rendered for the given campaign, and CUSTOMER.
  4. STORE renders html atop any given store page (e.g. homepage).
  5. CUSTOMER accepts terms & conditions, and privacy policy provided by pressing ‘ok’.
  6. STORE navigates to Migrate User, and requests information.
  7. SERVER returns information associated with CUSTOMER.
  8. STORE adds customer to their store; adds product, and coupon (if provided, and supported) to cart.
  9. STORE tells SERVER that CUSTOMER has been migrated correctly (Migration Success).
  10. STORE logs user in, and navigates to homepage.

Alternate Flows:

7-1. CUSTOMER already exists, STORE tells SERVER that customer has been migrated previously (Migration Success). 8-1. STORE adds product, and coupon (if provided, and supported) to cart. 9-1. STORE shows CUSTOMER message that they already exist, asking if they want to go to the login page. 10-1. CUSTOMER accepts confirm message, and is redirected to the STORE login page.

Check Purchases


Main Flow:

  1. SERVER requests endpoint (Invoices for Customer Purchases) with JSON of emails, and date period to STORE.
  2. STORE compares emails, and period to gather purchase information for given CUSTOMERs’.
  3. STORE returns compiled data to SERVER.

Check Customer Migration


Main Flow:

  1. SERVER requests endpoint (Customers on Store) with JSON of emails to STORE.
  2. STORE compares emails to determine whether CUSTOMER has been migrated.
  3. STORE returns compiled data to SERVER.

Campaign Banner


Main Flow:

  1. STORE requests banner from SERVER (Get Campaign Banner).
  2. SERVER returns image, and url.
  3. STORE displays banner on page (in the location it was called from) on page render.
  4. Banner clicked on, redirecting to associated route starting flow-migration off-site.
[Portal]Expressly management Portal: https://buyexpressly.com/#/portal/login