

All composer dependencies are included in the Expressly provided integration releases on GitHub.


Inside your composer.json, you need to include:

"require": {
    "expressly/php-common": "2.4.1""

Or, run the command:

composer require expressly/php-common:2.4.1

Create a Client

In order to make use of the DI container, to include, override, or extend any code we provide, a new instance of the Expressly Client is required.

use Expressly;

 * $merchantType is a string to help us identify your system type in logs.
 * Example constants in: Expressly\Entity\MerchantType
$client = new Client($merchantType, array());
$app = $client->getApp();


All configuration values associated with the repository are contained within config.yml.

To run the application in development mode, you can override the Expressly\Client parameters:

$client = new Expressly\Client(
        'external' => array(
            'hosts' => array(
                'default' => 'http://dev.expresslyapp.com/api/v2',
                'admin' => 'http://dev.expresslyapp.com/api/admin'

You can override any part of the container configuration defined in config.yml using the above method.


For a working Expressly integration, using this library, the following need to be checked off:

use Expressly\Provider\MerchantProviderInterface;

class MyMerchantProvider implements MerchantProviderInterface {
    // your implementation

$app['merchant.provider'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
    return new MyMerchantProvider();


  • Dependency drill down: restructure so Pimple is the base product instead of Silex.
[composer]PHP package manager: https://getcomposer.org/
[Silex]Silex PHP Microframework: http://silex.sensiolabs.org/
[Pimple]DI implementation: http://pimple.sensiolabs.org/
[DI]Dependency Injection
[MerchantProviderInterface]src/Provider/MerchantProviderInterface.php (ExpresslyProviderMerchantProviderInterface)